By Allen Nitschelm
President Biden stole the 2020 election, thanks to Facebook’s Zuckerberg and Twitter’s Dorsey, and Biden’s mainstream media allies.
It turns out the steal was not at the ballot box but instead was through the suppression of the legitimate news story of Joe Biden’s and his family’s corruption. This was accurately reported on by Fox News but most of the media ignored it and Twitter and Facebook censored the NY Post’s reporting.
President Trump brought the issue up at the debate, and Biden relied on the misinformation that some large number of Intelligence professionals concluded that the Hunter Biden laptop story was “Russian disinformation.” This allowed the public to hold their nose and vote for Joe Biden. The election result would have been different had this news been covered objectively. And we would not now have a war in Ukraine had our media not interfered with our election because some (albeit small) number of Democrats would not knowingly vote for a corrupt politician.
In 2016, Trump was the subject of a “dirty tricks” effort by the Clinton Campaign which incredibly co-opted the FBI and Justice Department to continue the deception and then hide its involvement even after Trump won. This political smear propagated by the government and the Democrats in Congress through the impeachment process convinced many voters that Trump could not be trusted in a second term. So instead, aided by massive absentee voting, we got the default choice. The media ignored Biden’s baggage and social media banned President Trump. Russia may have tried to interfere in our elections, but far worse has been done by these entities.
Now that Biden is in office, the mainstream media is disinterested in covering our open Southern border, high gas prices caused by the Democratic climate-change lobby, supply chain issues caused in part by Covid but also by massive government spending, out-of-control crime in our major cities, and now a genocide in Ukraine caused by Biden’s weak foreign policy, his bumbled retreat from Afghanistan, and his decision not to rush defensive weapons to Ukraine prior to the invasion. I wonder what President “Brandon” has in store next which will highlight his payoffs from Russia, China, and Ukraine.
I joined Facebook a few years ago to work on my media criticism project called Public Editor Press, which I ended shortly after the 2020 election. I am now going to be deleting my Facebook accounts as I no longer wish to support this corrupt organization. Anyone who professes to care about American democracy and journalistic ethics should do the same.
I agree wholeheartedly that Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms should pay a heavy price for their part in misleading the masses and blocking those who had a differing opinion, including the New York Post whose origins date back to the early 1800s, this all during a presidential election, and for their part in a continuing struggle to break the Trump administration and buttress the Biden regime.
Social platforms, however, are not alone in the various coverups of the Biden enterprises. The New York Times and many of liberal media pushed what we now know as the largely-fake Clinton/DNC-promoted Steele dossier story and did their best to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop story. They were helped along by many leaders of the intelligence community – folks like Clapper, Brennan, Hayden and Panetta who participated in the disinformation campaigns.
Unfortunately, these same characters are still protecting the Biden family. What were the flows of funds coming in from nations with which Vice President Biden had influence? Who paid the supposed $1 Million in IRS taxes for Hunter? Where is the news that Devon Archer, a partner of Hunter in several deals had been found guilty of defrauding a native American tribe? Where is it reported that James Bulger is one of the players (perhaps the true brains) in several of the Hunter Biden ventures? Where is the media in reporting the ongoing ballot harvesting investigation in Georgia? The reporting is largely missing in the liberal press and social platforms. How much is being reported by liberal media on the Durham investigation of wrongdoing?
I could not vote for either Biden or Trump in the last election, as was true in the Trump/Clinton cycle. I assume, however, there must have been shivers up the back of some of the editors and former bureaucratic heads who pushed Biden along. They, above most, likely knew that what America was about to get was not going to be first-class. Did they know, however, how bad it might be.
Politics, often a sleezy business, has taken a turn for the worst with the joining of the majority of social platforms, liberal news and a few well-placed government bureaucrats who manipulate and design stories for the masses to absorb and “dark” money pushing it all along. Wherever this ends, it will not be pretty. I fully agree with Allen that all possible should be done to punish those who constantly reshape the news and mislead the public, and that banishment might be the most effective form of retribution.
Hi Bob,
Donald Trump had many serious flaws, almost all of which were of a personal nature. I did not agree with his plan to exit Afghanistan, although I appreciated the notion that we should not be fighting a “forever war.” But others have pointed out that we maintain troops in places like South Korea. Peacekeeping is slightly different, but I think we had long-term strategic objectives in staying involved in Afghanistan.
But I wholeheartedly agree with most of Trump’s other positions. So I’m not sure why you couldn’t support him. I’d like to hear your thoughts on that (other than his personal issues, which we can just agree on.)
Although Trump’s negotiating style was obviously unconventional, his use of personal relationships in public while doing what is best for America in his actions is well illustrated by his relationship with Putin.
I think it highly unlikely that Russia would have invaded Afghanistan had Trump been President.
I understand from reading Acton Forum history is not a strong point of most contributors. I’ve largely given up correcting the constant stream of inaccuracies. However, I have to point out the Soviet Union (not Russia as stated) invaded Afghanistan in 1979. Trump was 33 years old then and not eligible to be President.
Thanks for finding my typo. I obviously meant that Russia would not have invaded Ukraine.
Thank goodness for your keen eye. How much poorer the world would be without people like you in it to point out with indignation all the slights you perceive. My goodness, you must be quite busy.
The Democratic Party, Big Media, Big Tech, Big Government bureaucrats, and the leadership of the Intel agencies are joined at the hip, which is why they can get away with murder. The circular protective squad ensures that they can silence, cancel, and ignore with impunity.
November 2022 will hopefully be one small step in the right direction. I hope the rumored FBI investigation into Hunter Biden is not tainted (like so much else in that sordid place). I hope John Durham comes up with something substantive in a timely manner. Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Hillary, McCabe, Strzok, Schiff, and many others will all be in jail if justice was fair and speedy. Instead, many Jan 6 protesters are being brutalized, some for just standing outside the building. Lt. Commander Caldwell is a particularly heart-rending case of an innocent man who has been so brutalized.
As for Big Tech, I have done more than exit Facebook (which was mostly dormant anyway). Change your browser from Chrome/Edge to Brave and use either their own search engine or DuckDuckGo. After Amazon cut Parler at the knees, I don’t use Amazon for ANY purchases, not even Whole Foods. I don’t use YouTube on my own (only if someone sends me a link), and use mostly Rumble, and pay for a few subscriptions to specific talking heads. FoxNation is fantastic. I moved from hotmail to Protonmail (hotmail/gmail spy on your emails), and use Signal for texts. Also use ProtonVPN. Basically, the above steps completely encrypt your behavior so that no one can monetize it. The downside is that some of the above are not free, but the old “free” came with a hidden price that only became apparent in the last couple of years.
Good article, by the way.
Excellent tips. I will take much of your advice over the coming months.
Your point about “free” stuff is very important. Look at the kids using apps like “tiktok” which are not only getting them to do very dangerous stunts, but is owned by the Chinese and is probably mapping our youth for some future nefarious purpose.
A free Facebook service seemed like a good idea, but not only is our data being sold, our information is being censored. Why these websites think the public will forever give them a free pass to enjoy the freedoms of providing content while still allowing them to censor is beyond me. Their decision will be a long-term disaster for their companies and shareholders (at least I hope.)
Best reason I’ve heard yet to keep voting for the dems.
Corruption is the best reason to vote for more corruption ?
Charlie Kadlec
Hi Betsy,
We obviously disagree politically, and you can vote for whomever you choose. But I am curious that as a Democrat, what is your reaction to the NY Times “authenticating” the Hunter Biden laptop, and the verification of the emails contained therein?
What is your opinion about Joe Biden, who we now know was taking kickbacks from foreign governments through Hunter, including (at least) Russia, China, and Ukraine?
What is your view about Joe Biden’s blanket denial of this during the debate in which he called it “Russian disinformation?”
Would you have voted for Biden knowing all this in advance?