By Scott Smyers
The AB School Committee last met on November 19, 2020. The Colonial was NOT on the agenda except for an issue related to an inquiry from the public about an open meeting law violation. However, there were a number of comments from the public concentrated during the first 30 minutes of the meeting specifically related to the School Committee’s vote to Kill the Colonial on October 15. Many of these comments pointed out clear errors in the process, possible conflicts of interest, lack of any serious cost analysis, and their collective ignorance of the history of Acton and Boxborough. Furthermore, were the members of the Committee texting each other during the meeting? Follow the link below to a recording of the meeting and listen for yourself:
One great point brought up in the discussion at the beginning of the meeting was how the School Committee did not follow their own policy specific to Naming District Facilities. As you read the original Policy, ask yourself if a team name or mascot qualify as a School Program. If naming of a court, field or track necessitates a policy, it only makes sense that this Policy applies to the shared name of all the teams that play in/at said facilities. See the following link:
To be fair, three of the School Committee members suggested delaying the vote on October 15 and made good points on why this decision should not be rushed through. They were correct, but within an hour of making the statements, each member weakly caved under the pressure of their peers. It is not too late for these same individuals to acknowledge the shortcomings of the review process and address each one openly and transparently. These comments should not be ignored.
To supplement the aforementioned public comments, here are some alternative concepts the School Committee and fellow citizens should consider when assessing what just happened as well as any future related discussions and decisions.
Consider and evaluate alternative explanations when it comes to blaming systematic racism for any perceived loss of opportunity. Many bad things happen to individuals that have nothing to do with racism. If anyone can find any written rules or policies that are based on race, they should be identified, explained and addressed immediately.
It is clear that the School Committee is very interested in diversity, but the type of diversity promoted is only skin deep. Diversity of ideas is what should be encouraged.
The Colonial has become a “boogeyman” and symbol of oppression only in the minds of those ignorant of local history or who have a racist prism through which they view the world. Nevertheless, the Colonial name and mascot has been killed and the same flawed process will likely be implemented when examining related topics in the near future. For this reason, more people must voice their opposition by pointing out the flawed process and demand remedies.
I was pleased to hear such well thought out comments during the last meeting of the School Committee and Acton Forum encourages spirited discussion in writing and at public meetings. All interested citizens should offer their comments on this topic at any upcoming School Committee meetings (next is Dec. 3) or consider posting their analysis in the Acton Forum.
Cowards, crooks and progressives on the AB School Committee connive in the dark of night to break their own rules!
In 1775 Acton’s citizens were called “Colonials” by the British government and by the British Army occupying Boston. It was considered a demeaning pejorative – lesser men – not quite the same as a British-born Subject, – but subjects never the less.
Three of them died; – two, Isaac Davis, Abner Hosmer, at the North Bridge, then James Hayward at the Fiske Farm west of Lexington.
They weren’t working imported Black Slaves, imported Irish Slaves, or murdering indigenous Indians; they were fighting for their God-given RIGHTS – which 16½ years later – December 15th 1791 – were enshrined as our Bill of Rights, – the first 10 Amendments to our Constitution.
How sad – how utterly disgusting, – that the AB School Committee are such historical dunces, – so easily manipulated by the Communists globalists in our midst.
With EACH STUPID MOVE like this you are selling your children into slavery!
Will AB teams now be known as the GREEN GLOBALISTS?