By Dave Lunger
Candidate for State Committeeman and Chair of the Acton Republican Town Committee
With the Presidential part of the upcoming primary all but settled, allow me to draw your attention to arguably the only effective remaining race on the Republican ballot for the March 5 Super-Tuesday Presidential Primary. I’m speaking of State Committeewoman.
Our two State Committee representatives have a vital role, making up 2 votes of the 80 total that comprise the Mass GOP. This volunteer position’s job description includes becoming a liaison between the Mass GOP and our district’s twelve town and city party committees; which in turn are the liaison to Republicans and the republican-voting Unenrolled.
On the March 5 ballot is a person for State Committeewoman paid by the prior administration of Mass GOP and Mass Victory from 2016-2018 to the tune of $395,000. Early in 2019, the newly-elected party chair, seeing a duty to do so, initiated an audit, amidst questionable prior financial activity “without contracts or written agreements”. The person now on our upcoming ballot was then unresponsive to audit attorneys, and defiantly so. The resulting Executive Summary was sent to the FBI, naming this ballot’s candidate for State Committeewoman. To this day, this person has not contacted any Town or City committee for which she would technically be responsible to represent. As voters in this district don’t we have a right to know what this person did to receive $395,000 over a three year period working for Mass GOP?
In order to give voters a choice on this matter, Sudbury Republican Town Committee Chair Dotti Bisson and I are running a write-in sticker campaign. Dotti Bisson is a grass-roots oriented activist championing candidates and ballot question initiatives over many years. I urge you to consider voting for Dotti on the “write-in” line for this office.
Please enter “Dorothy A Bisson, 290 Dutton Rd Sudbury” on your ballot, or obtain a suitable sticker from any member of your town or city committee (Acton, Ayer, Boxborough, Harvard, Hudson, Littleton, Marlborough, Maynard, Southborough, Stow, Sudbury, Wayland).
Do not hesitate to contact me for further information regarding the State Committee races on the ballot. Both Dotti and I are on Facebook, and reachable through all Republican committees across the district.
A clarification is in order regarding the names mentioned in the Executive Summary and in this article. The report refers to a Caroline Alcock, who married prior to running for State Committee, thus on the ballot it is Caroline Cunningham. This linked-in page is for “Caroline Alcock Cunningham”, referring to fundraising activities for the Mass GOP.
I hope you’ll vote in the Presidential Primary on March 5, and write-in your vote for “Dorothy A Bisson, 290 Dutton Rd Sudbury”. Thank you.