Acton – A De Facto Sanctuary Town     

By Bob Hertz

I recently sent an e-mail to the Acton Board of Selectpersons requesting they rethink the Sanctuary Town status for Acton, expressed, as I understand it, in the Acton BOS Immigration Policy, a cleverly structured legalistic product. This policy (not updated to the best of my knowledge) was in keeping with a trend sweeping liberal municipalities in 2017 wherein politicians used various arguments to suggest local law enforcement need not comply with Federal detainer requests.  In 2021 thru 2024, a misguided Biden administration threw open the gates of our country to all who wanted to come – good and bad – and then made little or no attempt to weed out the bad, or consider the pressures of absorbing millions of people and unknown tons of Fentanyl within a short period.  Biden requested Harris handle the border situation – and we all know how that worked out. Worse still, Biden spread illegal immigrants (good and, all too often, unvetted bad) throughout the country, often in the dark of night. The uncaring foolishness of the Biden era immigration policy exposes residents of Acton to some level of danger. If Acton’s immigration policy made sense before, it certainly does not at this time given the mess the country is in – thanks to Biden and/or cohorts.

What are the dangers? First, vicious immigrants, knowing which municipalities sympathize, seize opportunity to set up shop in these communities. Second, the policy strongly signals our police should think twice before taking certain actions which they may deem necessary. Finally, we have a new administration which views current immigrant policy as untenable. They will, I am sure, google states and municipalities (near and wide) using various terms, attempting to ferret out what they consider Sanctuary language. They may well reduce Federal funding to those considered obstructionists, posing two possible problems for Acton – reduction of Federal funding to Massachusetts (which will trickle down to community budgets) and decrease of direct Acton funding because of our policy. Sanctuary language and State vs. Federal government rights will be tested in the courts – but by the time they are settled, Acton may be forced to significantly restructure budgets. Most citizens of the U.S. currently side with getting rid of bad illegal actors, whatever it takes.  

All illegal immigrants have broken the laws of the United States. Some “experts” such as ACLU and Factcheck (whose past declarations certainly are suspect) suggest unlawful entry does not make the immigrants criminals, and others, including the Trump administration, suggesting they are criminals. The courts will decide at some point. So far, Federal authorities have only looked for dangerous criminals. Some fools (primarily blue state and municipal liberals) are attempting to impede the Federal authority’s ability to apprehend dangerous criminals and, as a result, causing the sweeping-up of other non-targeted illegal immigrants. We find that some misguided liberal nuts (reportedly Soros-backed radio stations and others) are now broadcasting locations of ICE and other law enforcement groups (ICE) and/or are warning illegals to evade apprehension. ICE is finally working to get violent criminals off the streets – something Biden and accomplices did nothing about. Look at what Biden has delivered us – cartels, spies, violent criminals, Fentanyl among other sins. Acton and Massachusetts should be working with ICE – not impeding its efforts. I hope at least Acton is doing so.

Being a naturalized citizen, I appreciate living in the U.S. – raising a family and working here. I understand why people want to come. Unfortunately, the criminal illegal aliens have taken slots that others have waited years to fill. If Biden had let a few individuals in, we would not be where we are. Because Biden collaborators let the world in (millions) along with as much Fentanyl as the gangs wanted to move, Trump has been forced to take actions which should have taken place over the past four years to remove bad actors.

I cannot agree with Eldridge that non-citizens (Illegal or legal) should vote in Acton or anywhere else. Voting should be a benefit of citizenship. Any immigrant wanting citizenship can stand in line like many others have done. If not interested, they should not be able to vote.

Biden (or those running the country in place of a neuro-degenerating Biden) should not have allowed wide-open borders to bring the current havoc to our country. Acton should re-evaluate their 2017 immigration policy which, because of the Biden administration abuses is, I am sure, now outdated and not in the best interest of Acton citizens.  

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