By Jon Benson with Introduction and questions by Scott Smyers
On behalf of Acton Forum, I contacted Jon Benson and his challenger Fran Arsenault and asked them each two questions on topics many voters believe are important. Benson agreed, but I never heard back from Arsenault. Acton Forum and our readers thank Mr. Benson for his response and we are disappointed Ms. Arsenault did not take advantage of this opportunity to discuss important topics and communicate with our community and more potential voters.
Question: What local issues (up to three) are you most concerned about and what steps are needed to address each issue?
1. Bettering race relations in Acton is everybody’s responsibility. George Floyd’s death in police custody brought 400 years of racism and discrimination to the fore. I am a graduate of Howard University’s Law School and am the grandfather of a bi-racial little girl. I would begin by receiving and implementing the recommendations of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity Commission. For there to be true progress, however, on the sensitive and complex issue of race, there needs to be candor on all sides without judgment. Members of the community should not be afraid to speak up and there should be no fear of social media shaming. Without these fundamental understandings, we will miss this unique moment and not get where we need to be.
2. The Town’s attainment of the 40B affordable housing “safe harbor” affords the community the ability to step back and thoughtfully consider its housing needs. The Town’s new Housing Production Plan provides many goals and strategies for implementing the goals of the community to increase affordable housing. I fully support Goal 2:
“Goal 2. MIX OF OPTIONS: Encourage a mix of housing options to provide homes for a range of household types including families, seniors, young adults, individuals with disabilities, and lower income households, particularly households with incomes at or below 50% AMI.”
The Acton Community Housing Corporation and the Acton Housing Authority with their many years of experience should take the lead in these efforts.
3. Recruiting the next generation of diverse Actonians to serve on Town Boards and Committees is critical to our success as a Town. New England town government—Boards of Selectmen, Town Meeting, Boards and Committees—is the oldest continuous form of local government in the world. In Acton we have close to 50 boards and committees made up of over 250 residents who do a substantial amount of work as volunteers for which the Town otherwise would need paid staff. There is a continual search for new members as vacancies arise.
Question: With so much discussion about historic and current racism, how can our Community celebrate our local history while promoting inclusiveness at community events (Patriots Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day)? If you believe our history, or parts of it should not be celebrated, explain why?
We in Acton can celebrate our local history as an inclusive community. My suggestion would be a teach-in on local history, featuring a presentation and robust community discussion about the best parts of our history, which have stood the test of time, as well as parts of our history that perhaps do not measure up as well by contemporary standards. Past and present members of the AB Social Studies Department could make a very knowledgeable and balanced presentation. Learning about the diversity of people who came to this land before us, and the variety of events that led to the present day, will enrich us all and give us a more accurate sense of place.
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Jon Benson has our votes. He has served the town exceedingly well by listening respectfully and leading the Select Board with dignity and a focus on all of it’s citizens – not just a few. He advocates problem solving and moving the town forward with an eye on diversity and critical housing issues. He seems to be less of an ideologue and more of a “let’s get good stuff done” member of the board. We are fortunate to have him.
I am not sure why Fran did not participate. I would guess that she may have felt that this version of an “Acton Forum” often presents an “ultra conservative” or “libertarian” discussion. But as you can see, some of us “radical lefties” are permitted participation. Healthy discussions are key to our democracy.
Thanks to the Forum for this interview.