By Simon Li
After leaving the Diversity Equity and Inclusion Commission (DEIC) in April, like other Asian neighbors interested in this topic, we finally found this DEIC report available. However, after reading it, I realized this does not likely relieve racial tension in Acton but more likely worsens it.
Based on the report and 2020 census figures, Asian Americans consist of 74.3% of all non-White residents in Acton, however the DEI commission requires “70% of members must be black” (or immigrant residents). The only two Asians who were original members of the Commission (including me, but I resigned), are no longer on the DEIC and are listed as “Previous members”. I cannot think of a more racist policy because the member’s race is admission criteria for a governmental committee. It sounds more like an African American and Immigrant Residents Affairs Commission rather than DEIC. I understand African Americans suffered a lot from racism in the history of America, however this is a town level DEI to address town DEI issues of ALL RACES. This report and the Commission’s structure would divide Asian and African Americans and purposely belittles the largest minority population and other independent voices in Acton under the name of DEI.
This DEIC report’s recommendation is an example of discrimination towards Asians and an effort to cleave Asian residents from our community, despite the fact that Asian residents are already severely underrepresented in almost all levels of town government including school committee, town office, DEIC, etc… DEIC’s DEI report recommendation essentially excludes the great majority of Asians. For example, 1.) make the DEIC a Permanent Commission: “Keep the majority of Black” (and immigrant members); 2.) Diversity Officer’s responsibility: “particularly those who are racially under-represented, BIPOC, or of African descent”. In Acton, we have 11% non-Citizen immigrants and 26% Asians, even if all Asians are immigrants (which is impossible), this DEIC inclusion criteria immediately excludes the majority of Asians in our town.
Based on the Commission’s Charge, the mission of the DEIC is “assessing the diversity, equity, and inclusion” in Acton. Many people (including me when joining DEI) thought the Commission was supposed to be the channel for minority residents to report DEI related concerns to town government. However, the report neither reflected what DEI issues have been raised during meetings nor summarize/record any anonymous DEI related case(s) reported/emailed from residents through this Commission. The transparency about the tangible evidence of DEI related concerns from the residents are very important for the people to understand what DEI issues have been found in Acton. The DEI report directly jumps to the conclusion to hire a Diversity Officer and makes the DEIC permanent, including their race quota, without revealing any findings or tangible DEI issues in our town.
Like many immigrant families who previously lived in authoritarian countries, the recommendation to hire a Diversity Officer reminds me the “Political Commissar” role (政委 in Mandarin), which was set up in all levels of government and state-run companies. A Political Commisar has authority and influence on almost all perspectives of everyday organizational activity including finance/hiring/interdepartmental contact.
As an immigrant from an authoritarian system, I know I have a natural resentment about this type of political role, and I have tried to understand it and correct my stereotype. However, after seeing the scope of responsibilities of Diversity Officer, it clearly resembles the Political Commissar template, but substitute Communism with race.
Even as an immigrant to this country, I understand that American democracy relies on checks and balances between the legislative, judicial and executive branches. The proposed over-powered Diversity Officer which is linked to the DEIC will have broad and sweeping influence over multiple aspects of important town decisions including Finance, Human Resources, bylaws, regulations and interdepartmental offices just like a “Political Commissar”.
If the DEIC is about collecting DEI concerns and issues from minorities, then the DEIC should reveal any minority’s DEI related concerns during the past year in the report to show the value of this commission. When the DEIC prepares to “advise Select Board and training on DEI issue” or “build trust with community” as described in the report recommendation, it should not exclude any race or set race quota for this commission. The DEIC won’t “build trust” if excluding 87% of the residents (whereas our town has 2% Black + 11% immigrants, more if overlapped).
There is an old Chinese saying, “Patients suffered from disease most not necessarily make good doctors”, people do not need to be victims to earn Commission membership. We already see great progress like the over-representation of African Americans at school committee in a white majority town where African American population is less than 2%, this clearly shows that color is irrelevant to the voters of Acton. The town leadership should have the courage not to allow any committees or commissions to set race quotas to exclude unwanted voices because this will result in people only hearing what they want to hear. This DEI report was generated by ignoring and discriminating against Asians and is ironically The First Racist Action I have witnessed during my residence in Acton. I do not believe racism towards any race (Asian or white) will help our African American neighbors or others regarding the DEI issue.
I understand many people have put a lot of efforts to prepare this report, however, it is a fruit from the poisonous tree, and I urge the Select Board to reassess and reconsider the implementation plan.
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Jeremy, the political commissar analogy is actually not too far off. Even 20 years ago, our campuses generated intellectual inquiry and robust debate about everything under the sun. But once the Diversity mafia started its relentless onslaught, there is no debate (only accusations, slurs, cancellations, firings etc.).
Lucky for you and me, we don’t have to work under this new Diversity Officer in town. The endless micromanagement of hiring decisions, mandatory training sessions where you have to confront your racism and bigotry (but only if you are an oppressor class) etc. will be infuriating enough. I don’t know about you, but I have no desire to be spoken to like a child and told to confront my inner evil self as a condition of keeping my job. And we are just getting started. I will stick with political commissar.
Simon, I hear your concerns and fully understand them given your prior experiences. I’m too concerned by some of the language and recommendations in the report. For instance, a survey where 81% of the respondents are white and the majority are middle aged doesn’t seem to be a very good representative sample of our diverse community. I’d also be interested to hear more of the exact role of the DEIC officer.
The American system is design to prevent the government from doing pretty much anything unless there is broad agreement and even then minorities are protected. In many cases, this grinds progress to a complete halt as we’ve seen in Congress for many years. However, it also protects us from excesses. The system saved us from the worst excesses of Trump. I’m pretty sure we don’t need to be overly concerned about the appearance of a political commissar type figure in Acton Town hall. There are enough checks and balances in the system to keep them under control.
Bill and Lydia, as Democrats who share an overlapping concern about this DEIC report with several of us non-Democrats, I urge you to come to the Select Board meeting tonight (7:30pm) and make your views heard. Given that the Board is mostly left-leaning, your voices will have the most impact in causing the SB members to think further and slow down.
All others reading this forum should also think about attending and giving your input. This item is Article 5 and could come up fairly soon after the meeting starts.
Thank you Mr. Li for pointing out some of the concerns raised by the DEIC including their recommendation of adding a Diversity Officer who would have extraordinary powers. He or she would certainly modify hiring, advancement and other policies, I believe to the detriment of Acton. I especially thank you for your perspective, as someone who has lived under authoritarian rule where “Political Commissars” play important roles within government. I see the suggestion of the DEIC as a step toward the very authoritarian forms of government you so well describe.
Ms. Xi Van Fleet is a citizen of Louden County, Virginia, where school parents are fighting the local school board over indoctrination of Critical Race Theory (CRT), among other issues. She spoke before the school board as someone who lived through the Cultural Revolution. Her discussion can still be found on the following site: https://www.foxnews.com/us/virginia-xi-van-fleet-critical-race-theory-china-cultural-revolution-loudoun. Her point, much as yours, is that comparing the implementation of CRT and the authoritarianism of the Cultural Revolution results in little contrast. She also believes both to be very negative, and is distressed to see what she escaped in China coming to Louden County. I would be distressed to see a Diversity Officer come to Acton. I believe the new position would entertain policies such as CRT. The National School Boards Association has asked President Biden to activate the Patriot Act against school parents – now there is an authoritarian exercise. How far away from this foolishness will we be if we proceed?
I hope there is significant push back to this Committee and their very-destructive recommended position. I do not see the need for either in Acton. I do not believe we are a bigoted town. I also do not believe we have a bigoted municipal staff within Acton. I am sure Acton has some level of bigotry and bullying. I would guess just about every municipality in the United States struggles with these issues. We should strive to reduce such activities to the fullest extent possible. We should let police and school officials investigate any such instances and take appropriate action. We do not need another layer of government to oversee this. More importantly, we do not need another layer of government to oversee, or worse, direct our H.R. folks. I trust those in Acton charged with hiring, training and advancement to not allow bias to interfere with proper handling of their responsibilities. I, quite frankly, am surprised some in Acton do not share the same trust, but am sure our leaders will use proper oversight should responsibilities not be properly discharged.
Thanks again for bringing reason and clarity to an unreasonable recommendation. I hope Acton will not take this very destructive step.
What a complex issue. I support diversity and treating all humans with the same respect. I suspect the vast majority of Acton residents do as well. But I also have questions about the DEIC report. For instance, it suggests that a Diversity Officer should have “Decision making capacity” and “Reach across departments and units across the Town of Acton.” What does that really mean?
Also, what sorts of “incidents” are to be reported? Insults? A dirty look? And how would that be dealt with? Maybe I am missing something in my reading.
I in no way wish to diminish the concerns of any group. But I am not sure where this is headed in practical terms.
Simon, Simon, Simon, – how D-A-R-E you!?!?
You’ve addressed emotionally charged issues – like RACE and INCLUSION, – with those hurtful things called statics, numbers, and FACTS. Ouch!
These liberals have a compelling need for public virtue-casting and public shaming of others, – they have no time or need for your mere NUMBERS.
They’re got their lawn signs ready, – likely bumper stickers too.
AND, they’ve already secretly voted on their chosen Diversity Czar (likely a M2F transgender parolee married to a F2M transgender illegal).
You REALLY don’t understand why the Ruling Democrats are marginalizing you?
It’s NOT because you’re Asian. It’s because you DON’T NEED GOVERNMENT ‘SERVICES’ to be successful and prosperous on your own.
You and your kids work hard to succeed in school. You work at tough demanding jobs, earn HONEST salaries, save money, spend wisely, and take care of the property you own. You don’t NEED ‘diversity czars’ to get jobs, to get through life, or to get ahead. Brains and hard work – and a drug-free lifestyle – are enough!
What your local Communist Sympathizers (Democrats) are doing is right out of the Cloward-Piven playbook; – creating racial tensions by DIVIDING the population into favored vs unfavored groups. You’re OUT of favor!
Any Asian living in Acton who EVER thought Democrats were your friends, – has just felt the dagger sinking in deep. You were used. Don’t wait for the twisting!
/s/ Iron Mike
Old Soldier, – Still Good for Parts!
Simon, I so appreciate hearing your perspective and why I find the current illiberal group so toxic. How interesting that in their fervent, sycophantic fever to become anti-racists, they indeed did the opposite. As a lifelong Democrat, I am so disappointed by this exclusive approach.