By Christine Marlow and Christine Casebolt
In the fall of 2020, when most of us were distracted learning to navigate the early weeks of the pandemic, and our students were struggling to adjust to hybrid-remote schedules with few, if any extracurricular or social activities, our School Committee made the hasty decision to retire AB’s Colonial mascot.
Subsequently, many students, feeling disenfranchised from the “process” (or lack thereof) leading to that decision, continued to voice their support for the Colonial mascot. Those students have been largely ignored, and in some cases bullied, for expressing their opinions publicly.
Their voices were silenced.
Earlier this year, the ABRSC Mascot Screening Subcommittee sponsored the “AB Mascot Community Survey” for the purpose of collecting feedback for a mascot replacement. Student responses to that survey indicate that the overwhelming majority* of current students want to reinstate the Colonial mascot. Those students’ responses were labeled “objectionable” and discarded (as documented in the approved minutes of the February 16, 2022 ABRSC Mascot Screening Subcommittee meeting).
Again, their voices were silenced.
In what way is this inclusive? Where is the diversity of opinion? How is this equitable?
Below are some of the comments, as submitted by current students as part of the “AB Mascot Community Survey” (and subsequently discarded by the committee), many of which were read into public record at the April 7, 2022 School Committee meeting. The students’ names have been redacted; survey numbers are included.
These students’ voices deserve to be heard!
*As noted in “The Colonial Mascot & Poor Process: The School Committee Doubles Down” posted on 4/4/22 in Acton Forum.
Survey # | Survey Comments from Students Supporting the Colonial Mascot |
43196 | This is my mascot and (it) represents the complete community including minorities like me and others. Retain the mascot. |
1114 | It doesn’t need to be changed; it was a normal mascot. It isn’t racist or anything like that. Firstly, it represents the colonials that fought for Independence against the British, I don’t know what’s wrong with it necessarily. Secondly, it was fine for a long time, I don’t see what’s wrong with it now. Just going to say it, believe it or not, nobody is offended by a mascot and it causes 0 harm to anybody. It’s being canceled just for the sake of being canceled. Changing it is basically a publicity stunt with no real meaning behind it. Whoever is offended by a mascot is doing it to themselves for real. |
1169 | Don’t take the ideology of 25 students and call it the general thinking of the population. This is unfair to a very large majority of the community, we never got a say. This is performative activism at its finest. |
2126 | Before a removal and change of the mascot, we should educate students on why the colonial mascot was chosen. Also give the AB community a fair chance to weigh in their opinion before letting a minuscule group make the decision. DON’T spend MILLIONS of dollars in taxpayer and donor money to make a mascot change in which they had no say in. What the committee decided was faulty and is completely unnecessary. Use the resources the great AB community has, to make REAL change. Donate to a charity, fund families displaced by COVID, or invest in a better learning environment for kids. The history and origins of this community cannot be erased. We must take accountability for what our founders did wrong, yet honor the idea. [that] they created a community for us to have this conversation in the first place. We can’t let the wrong side of history dictate who we are, instead let it serve as a reminder of the mistakes those before us had made. This suggestion was not meant to hurt, insult, or target anyone involved in this controversy. I just wanted to stick up for the AB community and many of its member who have not been represented throughout this issue. Once this is settled, no matter the outcome, I hope we can all shift our focus to unifying a community badly hurt over this past year. In the future, I believe that it should be the community’s job to make this decision. School officials, committees and administrators should simply create a space for discussion and work towards mediating the issue. |
1122 | The school committee should not be allowed to privately make the executive decision to remove a mascot that the vast majority of the towns of Acton and Boxborough support, creating unnecessary division in the town. The fact that this happened, especially at the time that it did, shows that the school committee does not have the AB community’s best interests at heart. It is shameful what has happened. |
13189 | We were never given a choice. There was a petition created a while back called “save our colonials” on change.org that got 2,974 signatures. I feel that the decision made was not fair and should be reevaluated. |
14205 | Nothing (a)bout it is racist and taking it away caused so much unwanted controversy that just needs to end with our original mascot coming back and making everyone happy. If you choose a new mascot the only thing you(re) gonna cause is a (pissed off) town |
12138 | I truly believe that the removal of the colonial mascot was a mistake. I understand people’s concerns around the name not representing everyone as whole, and that it may represent beliefs that contradict ABRHS’s core values, however going by the ACTUAL history of what a colonial is, the claims to remove the mascot is not factual. A colonial has no correlation to the colonialism, something that is undeniably bad. Back in 1620 the pilgrims (colonists) landed in Massachusetts after facing severe racism, classism, and religious oppression/persecution in England. Groups of these oppressed people banded together, despite their differences in order to take a stand against the oppression they faced. When I proudly say I am (an) Acton Boxborough Colonial – I am proudly representing the belief held by early colonists (the pilgrims) to take a stand against oppression in the form of racism, classism, and religious prosecution. While it is extremely important that we do a better job acknowledging in our schools and our community the awful things the colonist and pilgrims did to the environment, native Americans, and various other awful things; those are NOT the values our school is proudly representing when we say we are AB Colonials when we are wearing the colonial’s logo and name on our jerseys or school merchandise. I believe that the decision to change the mascot was made without proper input from the different groups represented in our school and our community. |
1171 | Colonial times are a part of history. History is not racist. I think that it should not be taken the way it is being taken, as people think that it is racist. |
12102 | (I) have not talked to anyone who doesn’t approve of Colonials. Was not a public decision. The majority most definitely did not overturn the mascot. Colonial has been the mascot for a very long time. When you get rid of Colonials, you get rid of colonial spirit. NO reason to get rid of it. Spending tax dollar money to change the mascot when literally NO ONE wants it changed. Don’t change it because a large majority of the school is already opposed to changing the mascot and changing it will cause great division in the school. |
13156 | The Colonials fought for our freedom and gave birth to this amazing country. If not for them, we would not be where we are today. The removal of the colonials was completely unfair. The whole town should have voted whether to change the mascot instead of a small group of people who wanted to get rid of it. I also know many Acton citizens want the Colonials as a mascot but their voices are not heard. |
13159 | Bring back the name Colonials. It was an extremely poor decision to have taken the name away from decades of students before 2020 who proudly cheered for and supported the AB Colonials. You will not make this situation right by naming a new mascot that will bring “unity”. You created this division by changing the name. I vote for the one and only name the mascot should be – bring back the Colonial!!!!! Your committee was WRONG to have changed the name. especially when so many community members signed a petition to keep the Colonial name. You overreacted to a small group of easily offended students that are clueless and live in the little bubble that their parents created for them. You are all Such a disappointment for our school community. |
1153 | We have jerseys for it, we don’t have to spend 1,000,000$ raising money for new jerseys, and new banners and new everything. |
16452 | The colonials represent our history in Massachusetts and how our country began(.) Not every colonial is the same but I thank them for my home. |
16450 | The Colonials were brave people from our very own Acton-Boxborough with families who cared for them. They lost their lives so we here could build a country with freedom of speech, religion and lots of inclusivity. This mascot honors them in an appropriate manner. I want you to listen and care for the opinions of EVERYONE in the Acton Boxborough community. This includes students, alum, and all citizens, especially the ones whose taxes will be going toward the mascot. |
15276 | I feel as though the decision to retire the mascot was unfairly decided by a team of 25 students voices that did not represent every side of the issue. The community had absolutely no say in the matter. There was a student run petition with close to 3,000 signatures disagreeing with the decision to have our team heritage and school spirit being ripped away from us. I would like the decision to retire the mascot to be reconsidered, and let more voices in the AB community be heard. No other mascot will represent this school well, it is tradition you can’t just throw away and pretend it didn’t happen, especially when the vast majority of the community still aligns with it and feels represented by it. It is completely unfair. I think you should actually listen to what the community wants. It is performative activism to make the administration look politically correct in the eyes of one certain community, this decision has divided this school more than ever. |
15290 | We should not have changed it because we are trying to get rid of the past and that stuff is history. Every country has done bad stuff but they don’t always get rid of it so why should we get rid of it? We should learn from it. Don’t change. Keep it. We are trying to hide from the past. |
414 | The students voted to keep it and the majority wanted to – we all know that. It is a joke to take away the colonials as our mascot. there are terrible parts of colonial’s history but we wouldn’t live the lives we do if it wasn’t for them. Changing it is a joke and we all know it. How can we expect to be progressive when we are just changing to try to forget the past instead of showing where we came from and how we’ve changed our history for the better? So sad. |
4144 | I think we need to bring back the colonials. We cannot change everything that happened in the past it brings back bad times but yet these are the people that fought for our country that fought for our freedom and you the council want to erase them like that, that to me seems tyrannical. When we look back to the Colonials, they were outnumbered but these are the brave people that fought for the freedom in our great country America and we and we cannot let them be dusted away like they’re dust. This is why we need to bring back the colonials. It’s honoring names that fought for our country. And (is in) no way, shape or form is it racist or showing any racism. It is wrong to be changing the name of the colonials. The reason I put the colonials in is because again, they fought for our country, they fought for our freedom, they went out and died for us. We cannot erase it. By doing this, changing the name, is paving the way to get rid of so many more things that our country stands for and fought for and that will teach kids younger kids that our country was systemically racist. That’s a lie. So, we need to put an end to this tyrannical movement and go back to the colonials. I think that we need to reconsider the renaming of the colonials. There should be a student vote, from grades 7 to 12 and (let) students voice their opinion. Because if we silence all these voices that could persuade other people from seizing their critical vote it could be a big mistake. I think we need to have more voices representing to end this to end this tyrannical movement. I rest my case. |
4140 | Many schools around AB have kept their mascots. While I do not believe that the racism and treatment of native people and people of color by the colonists was right, I would like you to consider the fact that almost all land, anywhere in the world, was invaded or taken by someone. Let us not forget that the reason we are concerned about inclusivity is because the United States and all of the freedoms its people have, appeal to many looking to emigrate. (T)hese freedoms are only possible because of the people that fought for our freedom, that this movement is trying to condemn despite the fact that many people sacrificed their lives for the freedom of future generations. |
2160 | There was no racist suggestion from the mascot before it became a debate. It will cost far too much money to redo all the parts of the school campus and around town that feature colonials name & image. It is history and there is no point in removing history that has happened. The cost and time it will take to replace the fields, track, scoreboards, new basketball curtain, gym floors, etc. (should be considered) |
37437 | I had no say in this vote to change the mascot and believe that it was wrongfully retired. Don’t change the mascot |
37438 | We would be leaving a tradition behind us based on what other people want. I don’t understand why colonials are offensive. No bring back Colonials please. |
37443 | AB School Committee did not take my view and the view of many other students into account. Not right and revert name. Students decide – not SC – and we like and want Colonial. It is our mascot, we choose (the) name – SC stay out. Maybe change name of SC. |
54215 | No other name fits us and think of all the money to change our mascot name. Everyone knows us by colonial, I don’t think we could be called something else. No other name fits us. Please take colonials in to consideration. Please. |
63144 | I feel as though we should go back to the Colonial because it is a staple in the history of Massachusetts. The colonials stood up to an overpower(ing) government, (became) unified and fought for what the(y) believe in. It is inspiring what they have accomplished and I was proud to wear the name “Colonial” across my chest. |
62100 | How about just KEEP the colonials? You can’t just ERASE history. That’s just IDIOTIC! The colonials show our history, and you can’t CHANGE history!! History is history, period. I get that you are trying to create a safe environment, but really you are just deliberately trying to hide our history, and trying to BIAS us into thinking that the colonials portray some sort of discrimination to people. But really, you are offending us, and our state’s history. It is stupid and wrong, and VERY offensive to me and many others. I want YOU to understand that what you are doing is wrong. You might as well just stop teaching us about Paul Revere, and instead teach us about Donald Duck. Oh wait, you can’t teach about Donald Duck, that’s discrimination to the cats and dogs! DON’T choose a new one. I’m sorry for sounding rude, but what you are doing is just so idiotic. You complain that the school has no money, and you start firing the assistant teacher, but really it’s because you are DUMPING your money for a stupid mascot name that won’t change ONE THING at all. You say it is to make it more inclusive and less discriminating, but you are just discriminating the colonials, those who were part of our history. Congratulations. I could never be more offended. |
53185 | I just want our old mascot back. Maybe school committee can get its own mascot. Let students decide! |
6293 | I understand that we are most likely not going to ever go back to the old mascot, but I still feel I (have to) say that I don’t personally see how it was exclusionary to people, and I don’t know of anyone who thinks of it that way, either. It was a unique mascot that connected to our town’s and our state’s history, and if it wasn’t already taken, I would suggest we call ourselves the minutemen, but that’s already taken, so I guess not. |
4283 | (Colonial) Has forever been the mascot of ab and represents the town and place we are from. Respect Tradition and our town’s history. |
63153 | I think that this is the best mascot because they fought for our land that we stand on today and they fought for our freedom most importantly. |
63156 | As a Democrat, turned independent, I feel that both the left and right Are guilty of over reach. Nothing wrong with Colonials. I think changing the mascot is a waste of valuable tax resources too. Changing the mascot is something that will not unify people. |
44215 | I think it should have never changed. |
5287 | Bring back Colonial or something relevant to our most prominent historical legacy. |
52104 | Colonials have been around so long in this town that I don’t think we should change it. |
12107 | The mascot shouldn’t be changed. We shouldn’t change the mascot because of a very small group of people (who) want to. It is part of our history. |
13197 | Stop pandering and stand up for the history of the town. Absolutely disgraceful and pathetic. You are spineless and weak. The Colonials is the only name. (It’s) The (*&%) history of our country and town [you pathetic @#$%^]. |
64235 | My friend and (my) views were to keep the mascot we like. History and consideration of all our viewpoints. |
65295 | Its history. There are bigger problems than the mascot. |
1155 | It is a very important part of our towns history and this name has and always will honor it. |
63191 | It should not have changed. The entire situation and money spent on it was silly. |
63200 | Nothing was wrong with it. Should not have voted it out. |
65308 | Save our Colonials. |
115 | Because that’s what Acton Boxboro has passed on. Very saddened |
117 | Because it contains our values |
118 | Because it contains our values. It is a good Mascot |
1119 | Still shouldn’t change the Colonial |
62124 | Thought it sounds nice. Choose most suggested. |
62127 | It is a representation to our town and it’s past. |
54240 | Once a colonial always a colonial. |
619 | It’s dumb to change it. |
43153 | Better than anything else |
4114 | We want it back. |
4119 | We want it back |
1289 | It is the best mascot. Pick the colonial. |
14251 | This is the perfect picture for our part of the country. |
2128 | It’s a legacy of both academic and athletic excellence, so we must continue that tradition. |
2145 | It wasn’t wrong. We are the colonials and it really won’t ever change. |
56332 | Please don’t change. I think it should stay as colonial. Please don’t change the mascot |
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Thanks for this Leo! I interpreted the statement as the majority of the alumni or the majority of the community rather than the majority of those who completed the survey. I would say that there seems to be two standards being applied. The first standard is in the assertion that “most” of the students didn’t want this change, made without having data to support that since not all students indicated their preference by signing one of the petitions or sending an email to the School Committee or speaking at a meeting. A different standard is being applied to the assertion that “most” of the alumni or “most” of the community didn’t want this change if we are only considering those who filled out the survey. The data presented by the School Committee in October of 2020 seemed to suggest that the emailed feedback from alumni and the community at large was roughly divided evenly between those in favor of and those opposed to the mascot retirement (as was the number of signatures on the 2 petitions at the time), and the emailed feedback from the current school community (staff and students and admin) indicated a majority favored the mascot retirement. This also seems to be reflected in the survey results where 5 current staff (8% of the staff who filled out the survey), 9 coaches/advisors (33% of the coaches/advisors who filled out the survey), and 65 current students (14% of the current students who filled out the survey, which to your first answer does not indicate “strong support”) offered Colonials as a suggested “new” mascot.
Colonial supporters, in general, believe that the whole town should have been brought into the discussion before a decision was made. I had listened to all school committee meetings about the retirement of the Colonial name. What I heard from the school committee chairperson was that email notifications were sent to stakeholders, which was defined as the school community. Notifications should have also gone to all residents of Acton and Boxborough.
So, I was very pleased, when I heard that the school committee reached out, emailed a survey to over 20 thousand people from Acton and Boxborough. But my pleasure was short lived. I heard that the people who wanted the name “Colonials” had their votes ignored, which is wrong. Why were these votes not counted? This was an opportunity to right the wrongs of the past.
As to the questions,
1) If students are “the most transient group” and “lack perspective” why are Colonials supporters suggesting that the current students should have been allowed to make the decision?
Answer: Colonial supporters would like everyone’s voice heard, which includes Acton and Boxborough residents, alumni, and students. When the survey showed an overwhelming support for the name Colonial, the justification for not including Colonial was because students had already voted to retire the name. If that is the logic, then the strong support by current students should not be ignored.
2) If there are “tens of thousands of AB alumni,” how do you figure that the 898 who filled out the survey with the suggestion of Colonials “represent the majority”?
Answer: As in any democratic process where people vote or fill out a survey, you can only report on the votes or survey results you received.
Two questions.
1) If students are “the most transient group” and “lack perspective” why are Colonials supporters suggesting that the current students should have been allowed to make the decision?
2) If there are “tens of thousands of AB alumni,” how do you figure that the 898 who filled out the survey with the suggestion of Colonials “represent the majority”?
Wow, of the 65 student votes to keep the Colonial, 59 felt strongly enough about it to leave a comment.
In the student survey responses, 63% of of the suggestions had 4 or fewer votes; 37% had only ONE vote. The Colonial is clearly the only option that unites any portion of the student body. If the school committee is determined to listen to the students, then listen to the students. All of them.
The Colonial mascot NEVER caused division. It is the school committee that is 100% culpable for the the division throughout our community.
I did not realize there was a current-student-only survey? There was a very vocal minority of alums and folks who used to live in Acton that made an organized effort to vote in the community survey, but those people are not high school students at AB.
Yes, the students were provided with a ranked-choice survey. They could only leave a comment if they ranked the choices provided by the mascot subcommittee. In keeping with the objective of silencing the majority, Colonials was not among those candidates. This is yet another method of manipulating the data to make it seem like students want a new mascot.
This facade that getting rid of the Colonial was student driven in the first place is full of holes. The original petition to get rid of the traditional mascot was written by a 2016 alum. ABSEJ was organized by a 2017 alum. They worked with school employees to handpick students to present their petition to the school committee while ignoring the petition (started by ACTUAL students) to keep the Colonial.
Getting rid of the Colonial was never a student initiative. Keeping it was. But now when they claim they want to let the students choose a new mascot, they’re not listening to students who wants to keep the Colonial. More students voted to keep the Colonial than the next three most popular suggestions combined. Their hypocrisy is as twisted as the AB logo.
Students are the most transient group in our community. Through no fault of their own, they also lack perspective. Current freshmen and sophomores had no input into the decision to kill the Colonial. On June 3rd, about 450 seniors will join tens of thousands of AB alumni; I’m pretty sure this includes all of students in the original ABSEJ group who didn’t graduate last year. They will remain alumni for the rest of their lives. Why do we listen to them now but totally discount their input in six weeks?
And those “vocal” alums you’re hearing — they represent the majority.