MA Prosecutor Targets Anti-VAX Protestor from the Acton Discovery Museum Incident. Wasn’t He Already Beaten Enough?

BATTER UP! Fred Smith winds up for a swing during a disagreement.

By Scott Smyers

It has been over a year since another day that will live in infamy in Acton. On July 8, 2022, Fred Smith went into a violent rage when anti-VAX protestors were demonstrating (legally) near the Acton Discovery Museum. At that time, state and local governments were coercing/bullying employees and citizens to get the COVID-19 shot and anyone who asked any questions or hesitation was shunned and intimidated. Now, we all know this “vaccine” does not stop transmission or prevent symptoms.

Therefore, it is both comical and sad to watch the state’s assistant district attorney keep pushing what appears to be a politically motivated case trying to make an example of anti-VAX protestors who are pro-freedom and resist government mandates.

Fred Smith outweighed all of his adversaries, combined, and is on video grabbing and destroying the protestors signs (private property), then swings parts of the sign (he broke) striking his victim with the full force of a tranquilized trained bear. Another version of the video is on Twitter/X. But of course, Fred avoided any charges or blemish on his record. That doesn’t seem right.

There is another hearing scheduled next week in Concord. Acton Police did not arrive until after the violence, so the video IS the evidence.

Several sections of the interpretation presented in the STATEMENT OF FACTS seem inaccurate,

“Mr. Smith appeared to try and block Defendant from hitting him in the head before pushing him away and down into a bush while saying “get off my property.”

Down into a bush? It looks like he destroys personal property and won’t release it from his grasp, then tries to slam the Defendant into a pair of steel trash cans, but misses so he ends up on the ground near a sapling.

After watching the video yourself and reading the Statement of Facts, does it really seem like Fred is the victim of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon? Yes, he gets a dose of pepper spray, but he first stole and destroyed private property!

I understand this isn’t a simple situation, but I hope there is more justice and less politics in the future of both Acton and Massachusetts.

About Scott Smyers 22 Articles
I was born in Pittsburgh, PA, grew up in Boxborough and graduated from AB in 1989. After living in other parts of MA and two years in Louisiana, I settled in Acton with my family in 2002. I work as a wildlife biologist and am dedicated to promoting conservation and appreciating biodiversity. I'm also passionate about community issues and individual rights.


  1. Personally I don’t mind being called antivax because after researching vaccines since the 1980’s when I was in Chiropractic college , I’ve known that all vaccines are harmful . Pharma in general is not interested in our health . Far from it . Thank you Kevin and all who care!

  2. How did the (drunken?) neighbor get off on his charges? WHat’s up with the court system? I actually think that the judge is being investigated for doing unethical things around this case.

  3. We clearly have a two tiered justice system in the US and even here in MA. The government is weaponized against anyone who goes against the prevailing political agenda. We’ve seen this again and again. If you stay silent and tacitly approve of this corruption, remember that eventually “the other side” will be in power and use the same force against you. Stand for justice, fairness, and equal application of the law even for your political adversaries.

  4. Please don’t refer to the protesters “anti-vax”. They were justifiably concerned about a venue that attracts families of young children offering an untested — and ultimately useless — shot on young children at zero risk of the target indication. We’re learning more every day that the risks of taking this shot far outweigh any potential benefit, particularly for young healthy people.

    Like Dave L, I find it odd that anyone in this town is going to bat for Mr. Smith. He’s frequently posted incredibly inflammatory and offensive posts targeted at those of us who questioned any of the covid-related policies, from school closures to forced masking to shot mandates. The video evidence makes it clear that Mr. Mackie was defending himself and his fellow protesters against an enraged individual who showed up out of nowhere for the sole purpose of confronting them.

    • Agree 100%! I’m tired of the anti-vax label. I’m not a lab rat for big pHarma. My body my choice. We should encourage others to attend and back Kevin in this. I can’t understand why Smith isn’t facing any charges. It appears he initiated the incident.

  5. I find it interesting to note the hidden collusion from “powers that be” in the courts, and perhaps strings pulled from levels above that, to be lenient and/or free Smith from his obvious thuggery, all the while Mackie is given the run around for defending himself.

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