By Acton-Boxborough Regional High School National Honor Society
Dear Friends & Families in the Acton and Boxborough Community,
On Friday, November 11th, the National Honor Society at the high school and the Rotary Club plan to host a Tenth Annual Veterans Breakfast in person to celebrate the service of veterans residing in Acton and Boxborough.
This unique event allows our students to recognize and give back to many generations of veterans by preparing and serving breakfast, and celebrating their service. It should be an amazing occasion allowing students to meet the heroes of the wars they have studied, and our veterans get to share their stories with a new generation. For the last two years due to the global pandemic, we have not been allowed to host in person. Instead, students delivered muffins and cards and hosted a gathering online. We cannot wait to put this event back on the community calendar in person this fall.
We are asking families and businesses in the Acton and Boxborough community to consider sponsoring a table for the breakfast. A $50 donation will sponsor a table of ten veterans for breakfast and will go a long way toward honoring the more than 900 invited servicemen and women in our community.
All donations will be honored with inclusion in the program and a public thank you during the ceremony. Checks can be made out to ABRHS and should note NHS Veterans Day Breakfast. If you want to donate by mail, please send checks to ABRHS at 36 Charter Road, Acton, MA 01720. Please consider us in your plans for next year to ensure this becomes an annual event. Please direct all questions to Mary Price Maddox at 978-808-0272.
Thank you for your time and your commitment to our community. We hope you will be as excited as we are about this new tradition.
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