By Allen Nitschelm
“The pen is mightier than the sword” is a quote from Edward Bulwer-Lytton, and it is one of the tools the Left is using to completely transform America.
If words don’t do the trick, they have angry mobs “mostly” peacefully protesting, just to let the public know that if they don’t get their way, they may eventually be coming for you.
The so-called moderates, which includes former president Barack Obama, supported the Leftist agenda while proclaiming that they believed in capitalism. Even Elizabeth Warren claimed she was a capitalist. But the new Progressives have shed that cloak of deception and now proclaim themselves as Marxists and Socialists, and say that capitalism itself is racist.
The funny thing is, anyone who looks at Communist dictatorships (which evidently is the end-goal of the Progressives) sees that these societies are less free, and more racist, than America. And this is evident in how American companies parrot the Left’s criticisms of our society yet are eager to do business with the Chinese Communist Party. This is a very short-sighted outlook but perhaps satisfies the short-term financial goals of these companies until the Chinese nationalize their holdings and steal their intellectual property.
Authoritarian dictatorships do not keep their promises. “Climate Czar” John Kerry, one of the architects of the disastrous Iran Nuclear-Allowance deal under Obama, was able to “secure” a climate deal with the Chinese Communist dictators in only two days. Sounds like Kerry drove a very hard bargain. I’d say the Chinese couldn’t wait to get America to commit to destroying their domestic energy industry because that furthers their goals of world military and economic domination.
Remember that when Great Britain allowed Hong Kong to be taken over by the Chinese Communists, they signed an agreement to leave the democratic society alone for 50 years. Is keeping half your promise good enough for government work?
Reminds me of how the Russians signed a treaty protecting the territorial integrity of Ukraine. That was also signed by the U.S. and Great Britain, but the Russians violated that in 2014 and Obama did nothing. Looks like they waited for Biden to become president so they can complete their takeover.
Joe Biden is not just senile, he is stupid. He actually proclaimed at his news conference that America faces a serious threat from these dictatorships but then he opens our Southern border to Coronavirus-infected illegal immigrants, he spends money on party-line votes as if there are no long-term economic consequences to massive federal deficits, and he cancels the Keystone Pipeline and now is trying to eliminate our energy independence and double gas prices.
I heard on the radio the other day the phrase “carbon pollution.” Carbon is not a pollutant, but it is a greenhouse gas. Calling it a pollutant is biased in favor of the “climate change” narrative.
Climate change is not an “existential threat” to the world. It is at worst an inconvenience and inefficient, in that it would cause us to spend money on things to mitigate climate change rather than on other things. This cost-benefit analysis could show that “climate change” actually benefits humanity on many levels, including more productive food production and lower energy costs to heat during winters. And, of course, we are coming out of an ice-age so the planet is naturally warming on top of any small increase due to carbon emissions. But I digress.
When I started my project following and documenting the Boston Globe’s media bias, I quickly learned about the Left’s new definition of the word “racist.” They had eliminated the use of the word “bigot” and called anything that was previously termed “bigoted,” “racist” instead. This made normal human behavior common examples of “racism” and helped bolster their argument that America is systemically racist. If looking at someone the wrong way is racism, then we are in fact all racist.
But on the Left, of course, only white Americans are racist. Everyone else has not a racist bone in their body.
Then they claimed that the criminal justice system in America is racist, because Black defendants are disproportionately charged more often than White defendants. But Blacks commit a disproportionate percentage of crimes. That isn’t racism, that is good policing and good prosecution. But now that the Left has begun to dismantle the system, including electing Far Left District Attorneys, eliminating bail requirements, dismissing rioters without penalty, and defunding police departments, we are seeing major increases in crime across the country (mostly in Blue states where these policies are usually being implemented.)
Recently, we have seen the Left try to redefine what is “infrastructure.” Instead of one-time investments in capital projects that benefit the entire community, the Far Left (and I include the entire Democratic leadership in this label) now says that hiring daycare workers or people who care for the elderly is infrastructure. Pretty soon, they will say that raising the minimum wage is also infrastructure.
One Leftist working for Joe Biden said that “bipartisanship” means that a proposal is supported by Democrats and Republicans. It has nothing to do with Congressional votes. So Biden can push his Socialist agenda and ram through his spending bills on straight-line Democrat Party votes, but he is being bipartisan if he can find one Republican in America to support the bill. I wonder if Bill Weld, Colin Powell, or Charlie Baker would count?
The Left is not just redefining words, they are also trying to criminalize free speech. We know they’ve “cancelled” speakers on college campuses, but their push to ban “hate speech” is far more dangerous. I think the “no place for hate” campaign is a long-term strategy to educate people that our society needs to eliminate “hate” and therefore criminalize speech that the Left hates, like capitalism, American history, support for Donald Trump, etc. Riots and looting are fine, but wearing a MAGA hat is going to be criminally offensive. No bail for those losers.
Words do matter and we need to stop the Left from using their new definitions to complete their Socialist transformation of our country.
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I’m glad to know I am not the only conservative in Acton or Massachusetts. Great article!
Nice article, Allen. Nailed it.